Saturday, September 24, 2016

What's happening fam?

Friends, friends, friends--

You really take things for granted until you no longer have it. Easy access to wifi and a larger data plan. So many moments, I could've shared with you all while in the moment. Alas, even the wifi on the Amtrak style train is falling me. I shall write this out in my notes app to get them off my soul and then enjoy the Tuscan countryside outside my window to find my inner peace. #therapy

So Roma was beautiful. You can walk down the street and see ruins from Ancient Rome right next to a building built during the Renaissance. I felt so blessed to be there.

It is a very walkable city which is great...if you have maps or Google maps and unlimited data. I opted to do an international plan vs. pay as you go because it seemed to make more sense. Especially with the expectation that there will be wifi and others have said that they have unlimited data included. Several times it was said to me "I feel that I didn't contribute that much to the research of the trip." Well, I've taken a backseat during this trip. I did a lot of upfront work and have been accused of "mother henning" so now I'm just standing there looking at you when you have questions. Mild suggestions of alternative action or clarifying a miscommunication while the group is speaking is all you guys are getting out of me. So Wifi at the AirBnb isn't working but everyone is anxious to get out and explore before our walking tour. So we head out and the maps that were created are only online so we figure we'll use the map app. Someone has been talking about their unlimited data so I'm chillen waiting to follow the leader. Somehow this person doesn't have google maps and can't find the walking tour meeting place. Finally they get flustered that I'm just standing there and ask slightly frantic if I can pull it up. I find Tiber Island and then I start leading... We get to the Trevvi fountain and pause to fight through the crowd to make a wish. I then resume the journey, playing dumb and making everybody take turns interrupting the directions. About halfway thru, I ask someone else to navigate so that I don't burn all my data.

"Lauren, I can guide if you are tired, if you give me your phone."

I'm not sure what point of I don't want to burn my data was unclear... But I restate it and someone else takes the lead. Fun fact about the streets in Italy, pedestrians just walk and it is on cars to stop... So all the tourists are stuck in the sidewalks cowering  while the locals are strutting across the street. That was an experience.

All in all, a great time! We had towers of wine and had fun people watching.

We had 3 liters of wine lol and no hangover the next day.

Ok, final survey question and I'll go.

If you were traveling with friends and staying in the same apartment, would you check to make sure they were awake when you had to check out soon? Or would you just turn on the hall light and sit down... So I woke up to the light and saw that it was 10:20... I forgot to set alarm and they were fully packed and smiling while I was trying to scramble. Obviously, I asked why no one at least knocked to make sure we were getting ready. Everyone is defensive, so that clearly means you are guilty. I

"We thought you would've set an alarm..."

Ok, we share a wall... You were being super quiet... So my inner Petty Patty was trying to come out... She and I are in battle to see if she comes out for the remainder of the trip.... I'm currently thinking my next big trip will be solo.... I have to run, so no time for spell check!

Please respond to the survey question of waking folks up...

Friday, September 23, 2016



Forgive the lack of posts! Technology has not been our friend this trip... The first place doesn't have working wifi sooooo as cute as blogging on McDonald's free wifi is, I resisted. We are headed to Florence in the morning so fingers crossed for better connection there.

Trip has been interesting so far. Sleep deprived Lauren is similar to rare species "feline grumpus" aka grumpy cat... Which has provided a higher than average opportunity for annoyance. Case and point, someone decided they wanted to go to bed (totally fine!) but then wanted to turn off the Landlady's loaned wifi hotspot when she did. Even as they see me typing feverishly...

Overall, it has been amazing trip! When I get my naps in all is well until it isn't lol.

Since I'm no longer able to connect to the outside world.... I bid you all a good night.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hello everyone!

Welcome to Adventures with LK. I'm going to be chronicling my adventures, successes and struggles as I traipse around the world. I have about 10 previous trips fraught with struggles, laughs and fond memories that I'll have to add in at some point.

:: Cue Law & Order Duhm Duhm::

Names have been changed to protect the innocent (or those on my nerves) and to protect me from libel and slander law suits :)

Enjoy and please comment so that I can enjoy your reading experience as well.


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Photo Credit: Image from